Are Board Games Good For Your Brain?

Are Board Games Good For Your Brain? - Planet Junior

Playing board games is fun, but that is only one advantage. Through competitive and cooperative gameplay, board games amuse and unite people. Monopoly, Chess, Checkers, Life, Clue, Scrabble, Mancala, and many others are among the most well-known board games. 

Board games, however, provide much more than just entertainment. These games have numerous positive health effects on players of all ages. Playing board games increases your capacity for logical thought, helps you learn more effectively, and lowers your risk of dementia and even Alzheimer's disease!

In this article, we'll cover a variety of topics, including why playing board games is good for your mental health, how they can help you relax, and much more.

Cooperative play is the cornerstone of board game playing. It calls for a collective effort from the players. It is the ideal way to spend time with pleasant company and develop relationships with other people.

Playing games with your kids or friends is a great way to spend time with them while also fostering learning abilities. Sitting down with your family without interruptions may seem hard in your home because everyone has various schedules that push them in different directions.

Do board games help people feel less stressed?

There are numerous suggestions on how to assist lower your stress levels, including dietary and exercise habits, mindfulness practices, and even meditation.

However, one that you might not be familiar with is playing board games. Playing a game of strategy can help your brain get rid of lingering stress and can even make you feel good if you win while playing a lighthearted, enjoyable game can make you happy and make you laugh. In addition to changing dopamine and serotonin levels, laughter can reduce stress-inducing hormones.

A study on 31 special needs kids in the 7th and 8th grades was undertaken by two researchers in the academic years 2008 and 2009 on these pupils. The typical maths teaching was given to sixteen of the children. The 30-week chess training program and arithmetic instruction were provided to the remaining 15. At the end of the year, the students who participated in the chess program were found to have higher standardized test scores and maths grades than those who didn’t.

All ages benefit from playing because it activates the parts of the brain involved in sophisticated mental processes and memory creation.

Laughter is a byproduct of playing board games. It is one of the essential elements for stimulating learning and boosting creativity. Additionally, laughing and generally having fun reduces stress.

How are board games a kind of therapy?

Board games have various therapeutic advantages. Children in particular engage in social interaction while playing games, whether it be with friends or family. 

By doing this, they can raise their pleasure, hand-eye coordination, self-esteem, and attention span in addition to their social abilities. Additionally, playing board games might assist them to divert their attention from whatever unfavorable thoughts they may have been having all day.

Playing board games is a great way to bond with others and open up; it also encourages creative expression in non-intrusive ways, which can be helpful for reserved people. For timid kids and adults, board games are a wonderful tool.

They can assist you in lowering or maintaining your blood pressure in addition to making you laugh and releasing more endorphins. Endorphins are released during exercise, which helps muscles relax and promotes blood flow, which lowers blood pressure.

Playing board games with kids can boost their spatial reasoning, critical thinking, and logic skills. Playing various board games with kids can improve their verbal and communication abilities as well as their ability to pay attention, concentrate, and focus for extended periods.

Benefits of Board Games:

  • Increased brain function.
  • It helps to develop teamwork.
  • Teaches to be patient.
  • Reduces stress.
  • Enhances creativity and self-confidence.
  • Help children to cope with feelings.
  • Brings family or friends closer to each other.
  • Enables an individual to think logically with reasoning.